Whether you’re doing marketing outreach to build trust with customers, or sending out a new product launch announcement to prospective buyers, getting your email list right is essential for your business success. Incorrect emails can result in a high number of hard bounces, which wastes time and money for your business. The best way to prevent inaccurate emails is to verify them online regularly using a real-time, expert email verification service.
How do I verify if an email exists?
The best email validation services use a combination of multiple methods to ensure the accuracy of your data. They rely on external databases to connect email addresses with other pieces of personal information, such as name and phone number. Verify emails online helps to determine whether the person is the owner of an address and if they’re eligible to receive your emails. Email verification services also look at the MX records of an email domain to confirm that the server can accept incoming messages.
A valid email address needs to be associated with a unique, verified domain. This is a key indicator that an email belongs to a legitimate user and isn’t a spam trap or disposable email address.
Using an online email verifier is the easiest way to check if an email address is valid. You don’t need any software installed, it works as a software-as-a-service so you can access it anytime, from any device and doesn’t use your own IP for the verification process (which is a risky proposition anyway). Most importantly, an online email verifier can easily handle both single emails and large email lists – though checking larger lists may take longer.